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Lauderdale Suzuki
Term Dates & Hours

The Lauderdale Suzuki Group have been meeting at Lauderdale House since 1978! Every Wednesday afternoon, the building is filled with children learning to play the violin, taught by an incredible group of experienced music teachers. 

The Suzuki Method of learning the violin was conceived in the mid-20th century by Japanese violinist Shin'ichi Suzuki. He reasoned that if children have the skill to acquire their mother tongue, then they have the necessary ability to become proficient on a musical instrument.

This is not a group method and requires huge commitment from the parent and daily practise. The children attending classes at Lauderdale House all have private lessons away from the House in addition to their group classes.

Observation is free and you are most welcome to come and see the classes taking place. It is not necessary to book to observe.

Find out more on the Suzuki website here.

Many thanks to Markson Pianos for loaning their Erard piano to Lauderdale House, which is used for the Suzuki lessons.

Term Dates & Hours

Please visit the Lauderdale Suzuki website for the class timetable.

Spring Term 2025
Term runs from: 8 January - 26 March 
Excluding: 19 February (Half-term)

Summer Term 2025
Term runs from: 23 April - 25 June
Excluding: 28 May (Half-term)