Gary Cooke joins us this January with an exhibition of fascinating work, inspired by a life-changing experience...
Gary Cooke:
"Following a series of unexplained seizures nearly 10 years ago, an immense transformation happened with the intensity that colours appeared to me. This was accompanied by an insatiable urge to paint - something I had never done before. Starting with inspiration from the masters - Vermeer, Van Gogh and Jackson Pollock - I taught myself how to play with colours, tones, textures and mediums. With thanks to the encouragement of family, friends and strangers alike, as well as painting being a new passion it's now taking me a new direction in my work life."
Opening Dates & Hours
Gary Cooke's Art will be on display in the Upper Gallery during gallery opening times from Tuesday 9 January to Monday 5 February 2024.
The gallery is generally open:
- Monday - Tuesday : 12pm to 4pm
- Wednesday : 11am to 3pm
- Thursday - Sunday : 12pm to 4pm
Please note that the gallery hours may change or the gallery may close at short notice due to private events. To avoid disappointment, please check our most up-to-date opening hours by clicking here or calling us on 020 8348 8716 the day before your visit.